Morning Prayer (Personal) or may be used for Amidah   


Blessed  You  God, and thank You God, for being God!

There is none like You anywhere, not in the heavens above or on the Earth beneath.

You are not in any form we know of!

You alone are the great holy, awesome God of Israel and the world!

Bless You God!


Bless You God, and thank You God, for love, and life,

for all Your blessings, gifts, wonders and miracles,

for all good things and the good in all beings.


Please dear God, restore Your presence that all may know You, love You, follow you with a whole heart and share Your gifts in peace.

May we, and all our families, friends, Israel and all the good life,

share in this time of your ultimate peace,

may it be soon according to your will,

and in all times for good, in mercy, loving kindness and peace.

May we always feel your Presnce and know Your peace!


Please always be with us, all our loved ones, Israel and all the good life in all the best ways,


and help us to be with You in the best ways!

Please help us, protect us, provide for us, forgive us, have mercy upon us, heal us, and save us.

Please guide and direct us safely on a wonderful journey through life together back to you filled with all the best. 


Bless You and thank You for all the wonderful ways you provide for our spiritual, physical, and all our needs.

Bless You and thank You for Your Torah, Your covenants, Your prophets, Your teachings, Your holy days;

for the good land of Israel, and for our own land and homes;

for food, clothing, shelter;

for our minds, hearts, souls, and senses,

for our abilities, mobility’s and creative talents,

and all that You entrust to us.

Please help us to be good caretakers of our lives, our homes, our hearts, ourselves for you.

Help us to be a “light of the nations” of Your understandings to others in truth, reverence and love of You. 

Help us to be Your friends as well as Your family.


Let all who are ailing turn to You and feel Your healing powers.

Please help all to be as healthy and well as they can be, spiritually as well as physically.

Help all to be healthy, well and whole, in body, mind, heart and soul, in You, dear God.


Please bless our families, friends, Israel and all the good life with good health, happiness, wholeness and peace.

Please don’t let our ailments cause us any major difficulties.

Please give us all the knowledge we need to know what’s right, the strength to do your will, and help us to do it and find favor in Your eyes.


Please dear God grant special blessings of healing to all who are in need.

Please bless us and our loved ones with the best possible life growth back to You filled with all the best.


May You send all who have passed on to the next level, on to a better place, and may You comfort the mourners and those left behind.


Please keep all kinds of bad, shame, grief and care, major troubles, problems, mishaps, evil, sickness and wrongdoing, far, far away from our loved ones and us. May Your peace, light and joy ever abide with us all.


Please forgive us our shortcomings, our trespasses, our sins, our weaknesses and our ignorance.

Because of Your mercy, have mercy. Because of Your love, continue to love.

Let us know what You would have us do, and not do.

We will do whatever You want, we know Your way is right, and we do want to do right by You.

Please cleanse us, put a new heart and spirit within us, so that we can serve You properly, in truth, reverence, and in love.

You are God alone, in heaven above and upon the earth beneath, there is none else, and You are not in any form that we know of.


Thank You for the precious gift of freedom. May we always have it and use it properly in serving You.

May all soon know Your freedom and peace and join in one heart in their love and knowledge of You.


Please bless and look after Israel.

Please protect her, us and all our loved ones, and all the good life, from all the bad, damaging, harmful, shameful, hurtful, destructive things.

Please end all the war, fighting, terrorism, antisemetism, violence, evil craziness, and wickedness.

Please end all homelessness, hopelessness, pollution and waste.

Please let all creation soon recognize that Israel is Your holy land and that all creation is holy to You.

Please help people to be strong, to make better decisions, and to return to You.

Even as You have saved Your people in the past, please save Israel, Your people and Your world. 


Thank You for giving us the special honor and privilege of being Jewish,

for all our special knowledge, gifts, talents, abilities and heritage.

Please help us to use all that we are, and all that You entrust to us, the best we can to glorify You and to reach as many people as we can with good things about You.

Please inspire us in our efforts to do the best we can in all things for you. 

Please help us to be a “light of the nations” so that others may come to know You better too.


Please let today, and all days, be good, healthy, happy, blessed, peaceful, merciful, safe, prosperous, loving, glorious, wondrous times of good growth; times of getting closer to You, to each other, to Your life, and closer to the time when all creation will share in Your glory, Your majesty and in Your peace. May this time be soon according to Your will.


Please keep us and all our loves ones safe today and always, wherever we go, whatever we do.

Please let us get where we are going and get home safely.

Please keep everything safe and well at our homes. Let there be only good news and good things.

Please protect and look after us and all our loved ones on our journey through life, today and always.


Bless You God with our most sincere blessing, thanks, gratitude and appreciation for all You do for us.

Please bless us with whatever we need to do right to find favor with You,

with all Your wonderful love, life, blessings, gifts and miracles always.


We need You God. Please be with us in the best ways.

Help us to be with You in the best ways.

We need You. We love You.

Thanks so much for loving us.

Bless You One great God, the only God of Israel and the world. Amen and amen.