LifeSurfing All the Time - The Wildest Ride of All 


I love boogie boarding. I love the energy of riding the waves. As with all kinds of sports, dance, exercise and movement, it does require some strength and balancing skills.

It is the same with surfing! So if you are up to it, stand up and envisage yourself standing on an imaginary surf board. Balance your body with your arms spread out to your sides.

As I speak feel free to slowly, and gently move your body as you continue to try to stay balanced on your board while enjoying the ride.

What we are all doing now is what I like to refer to as LifeSurfing. We are riding our planetary board, which many call Earth, on the waves of cosmic space.

We travel billions of miles a year on this global ride,  balancing ourselves at incredible speeds. Too bad we can't get frequent flyer miles!

If someone asked us if we wanted to go on a thrilling ride through space at almost 70,000 mph, we would probably find it very exciting. Yet, here we are, doing it all the time, … and rarely taking notice of it.

At this speed, we are constantly moving across an area the width of the United States every couple of minutes. In the length of time it takes for us to listen to one song, we have travelled thousands of miles. And we are doing it even when we are not listening to a song. 70,000 miles per hour! Right now!

A jet plane can reach speeds of over 2000 mph. We are talking about our world moving at speeds 30 times as fast. Where is my seat belt?

On top of that, at the very same time, our world, with us on its back, is spinning semi-sideways at up to 1000 mph.

Hang on! What a flight! What a ride!

And we are FIRST CLASS passengers, with a great window view, no line to the bathroom, and plenty of leg room.        

When people ask if you have been doing any traveling, you should always answer, “Yes!”



Life Surfing All the Time  (poem)


First class travelers riding out a life growth adventure.

Voyagers of circumstance lifesurfing space time.

Mystically traversing Earth’s fated journey round the sun,

a mystifying light/energy path through the universe of One.


The deepest mysteries of existence,

forever expanding our limits,

challenging our narrow dimensions

the self-imposed boundaries of our mind.


As long as our world keeps on soaring and spinning,

we’re lifesurfing all the time.

Striving to maintain on our board’s extraterrestrial balance

within the cosmic center of our rhyme.


We and our planet,

always airborne together,

big wave riding something mighty fine.

Aerial performers

in a celestial amphitheater

which most of the audience accepts as “Divine.” 


Far beyond vison and imagination

Hanging ten to the end…and then,

our ride spans our life beyond these space waves,

while embracing our hopes and friends.


An amazing journey! Life Surfing All the Time!


A visualization movement lesson

LifeSurfing all the Time

We are now going to have the opportunity to experience a higher level of LifeSurfing! It could well be the wildest ride of all. It’s an absolutely amazing adventure, far beyond what most people can even imagine.

One of the things I love about body surfing is the feel of riding within the rushing waves and surging flows of the water. It makes me feel alive in a very special way.

Now hold your arms in front of you and gently move them and your body side to side as you pretend you are riding inside the wave.

It is a remarkable feeling being joined and moving within the energy of the waves.

And, except that you are standing on top of a board, and, ideally, riding on top of the wave, it is much the same with surfing!

So, now let’s take up a surfing board stance, just like you would if you were surfing, balancing your body with one foot in front of the other, and your arms spread out to your sides. Assume the position.  You are now a life surfer!

Now you can close your eyes, or not, but very gently start to move your body. Gently bend your knees, moving forward and then backward. Go real slow and try to feel each little part of your movement. Allow your outstretched arms to gently move up and down, balancing yourself, while visualizing that you are surfing on your board while riding the flow of life’s waves. Enjoy the experience of gently moving through time.

Since we are now imagining we are riding a life surf board, let’s fill in a few more of the details of our fantasy. But first, let’s switch and put our other foot forward.

Now, let’s check out our surfing board.

Since we are pretending to be life surfing, our board would be whatever it is that we are all standing and balancing ourselves on. So what would that be? What are we all standing on?

Well, no matter where may currently be standing, unless we are on the ground outside, we are standing on a covering or structure that is also on top of our board. But when we get down to it, what is the thing that we are all really standing on?

The ground, which is the outer part of our planet, Earth.

So now let’s switch our feet back again, and visualize that as we are life surfing, that we are riding on the back of our planet. Pretty cool board! And it gives us room to move around.

Plus, it’s true! Earth is the planetary board that we all are riding on…for real!

So now that we have a board to stand on, our next step in life surfing is to have something to surf.

Since we don’t have water, let’s visualize something very cool, that our surfboard can fly us through.

The obvious choice would be “space.” As long as we are dreaming, wouldn’t it be great to be able to fly through space?

So, now, let’s switch feet again, and while still imaging ourselves standing on the back of Earth, our planetary surfboard, let’s also pick up our movements a little bit and think of ourselves moving through space.

Hey, look at all those stars!

And by the way, Earth does move through space, all the time.

Now let’s imagine that we are getting more comfortable and skilled with our life surfing, and really enjoying ourselves. But now, we are ready to take it to the next level.

So, don’t do this, but let’s imagine that we can spin around on our board, even turning ourselves up and down and making a complete circle as we soar on these waves of space.

So, while we can’t actually flip ourselves over right now, let’s just try tilting ourselves, first slowly to the right, and then left, and the forward, backward, and all around.

Just do this for a while and also remember to gently bend your knees, moving your body all around, but under control, so that you don’t fall off your board.

Think of how many circles you could make like that, just continuously turning, without getting too dizzy?

Probably not too many, especially if we were going fast.

Ok! Now let’s switch so that our feet are standing together next to each other on the back of our board, and continue to move our arms up and down from one side to the next.

So now that we can imagine ourselves doing these flips, how good are we? How fast, and how long, can we go? 

Well as we ride our life surfing board, Earth, through space, it is constantly doing this to us. Turning us sideways and flipping us in complete circles. All the time!

Crazy as it seems, we are all spinning in circles, all the time, just by being on this planet. No wonder there are so many dizzy people!

And, not only is our world spinning us around all the time, it is also doing it at a pretty fast speed.

How fast do you think our world is spinning, since we are still able to stand on it and not fall down?

I’ll call out some numbers and then, at the end, you say which you think is the speed our world is turning.

a)  10 mph?

b)  100 mph?

c)  250 mph?

d)  500 mph?

e)  Over 500 mph?

The answer is “e” because our planet is actually rotating at between 600 -1000 mph! Whoa! Hang on! That’s kind of crazy when we think about it.

Here we are, riding on the back of our life surfing board on the cosmic waves of space, while spinning around all the time.

I mean, what’s next?

Let’s put one foot forward and bend down with our arms stretched out because we are getting ready to pick things up on our ride.

Why don’t we take our board for a spin around the sun?

Well, since it’s our imagination, why not?

Start moving our arms from side to side.

The only thing is that since our planet has to maintain a safe distance from the sun, so that we don’t get burned up by its intense heat, it will take us a year to travel far enough to make a full trip around the sun.

But that’s ok! Since this is our imagination, we have all the time we need.

Now let’s hold our course steady, just spreading our arms to the side.

So, let’s say we liked it, and we wanted to make one trip around the sun each year, how fast do you think we would need to be going?

We know that cars on the expressway often travel 70 mph, and if they hit something at that speed, it can be very devastating.

So approximately how fast do you think that something as big as our planet is going?

I’ll give you 3 choices and then ask which one you think is right?

So, compared with a car going 70 mph how much faster do you think we are going?

a)  10 times as fast? 700 mph

b)  100 times as fast? 7000 mph

c)  1000 times as fast? 70,000 mph

What do you think?

The answer is “c,” almost 70,000 mph!

So, while still trying to keep your balance, start moving your body parts faster, forward and backward and to the sides, as we try to maneuver while moving at such a high speed.

Ok! Now let’s slow down to a slower, gentler pace, while we really think about this, because this is lifesurfing.

At times, it feels like we are relaxed and gently moving along on our ride, but at other times, we seem to be going so fast that we are just hanging on for the ride.

But all the time, we are riding on our planetary surf board, which is spinning sideways at up to 1000 mph, while speeding through space at almost 70,000 pph.

It is amazing that we can stay on.

And this is partly because of another seemingly invisible force: It starts with a “G.” Do you know what it is?


Gravity keeps us down, which is why we don’t go floating off into space.

Slowly bend your knees and move down as you feel the force of gravity pushing you down.

It’s kind of interesting how all the crazy things we are imagining are actually true in our lives.

Ok, now you can rise back up.

But there is one other big problem. How would we breathe, since there isn’t any oxygen in space?

Well fortunately, we have yet another seemingly invisible helper, Earth’s biosphere. This atmosphere keeps our oxygen in, so that we can continue to have air to breathe on our journey through space.

As you continue to ride your board, keeping all your body parts moving, take a few deep breaths, ands remember how special it is that we can breathe…especially since it happens so naturally, all the time, and we don’t even seem to have to think about it.

We definitely have one souped up surfboard!

OK! Let’s slow our boards down now, and come in for a gentle landing, and then you can open your eyes.

This is what we like to refer to as LifeSurfing. We are always riding our planetary board, which many call Earth, on the waves of cosmic space.

We travel billions of miles a year on this global ride, (too bad we can’t get frequent flyer miles), balancing ourselves at speeds of close to seventy thousand miles an hour.

If someone asked us if we wanted to go on a thrilling ride through space at 70,000 mph, we would probably find it very exciting. Yet, here we are, doing it all the time, … and rarely taking notice of it.

At this speed, we are constantly moving across an area the width of the United States every couple of minutes, even all the way from New York to California. In the length of time it takes for us to listen to one song, we have travelled thousands of miles. And we are doing it even when we are not listening to a song. Almost 70,000 miles per hour! Right now!

To give you an idea as to how fast this is, jet powered aircraft attain speeds of over 2000 mph. We are talking about our world moving at speeds 30 times as fast.

On top of that, at the very same time, our world, with us on its back, is spinning sideways at up to 1000 mph.

Hang on! What a flight! What a ride!

And we are FIRST CLASS passengers, with a great window view, no line to the bathroom, and plenty of leg room.        

When people ask if we have been doing any traveling, we should always answer, “Yes!”